Constructing Care Collaboration
CCC is a collaborative projective between NTU-LKC and NUS-YLL. We help out in volunteer migrant worker clinics to raise awareness amongst medical students regarding the social and medical problems faced by the migrant population in Singapore. We currently work with the St. Andrew's Migrant Worker's Clinic. Through this, CCC helps to build cross allied healthcare collaborative efforts and multi-disciplinary team synergy by working up patients and managing them collectively with physiotherapists, etc.
During clinic sessions, students are given the opportunity to talk to and clerk our migrant brothers visiting the clinics, before presenting clinical findings to senior medical students or clinic doctors to assist clinic flow. Students may also provide support in triaging patients, physical examination, and post-consult education/counselling. This gives students insight into some of the common conditions affecting the workers, what clinical support can be provided, and how occupational and social factors play a large role in the holistic healthcare and welfare of migrant workers.
During Covid-19, we worked with the Covid-19 Migrant Support Coalition to develop medical education awareness posters for circulation amongst our migrant brothers. Fortunately with the easing of the Covid-19 situation in Singapore, we were able restart our volunteering sessions like before.
CCC also worked with MyBrotherSG to organise its first health screening for migrant workers in Kranji RC, where we conducted glucose point-of-care testing and health education on chronic illnesses and muscluloskeletal problems. Its success has paved a path for us to make this an annual event. Looking forward, we look to continue bridging the gap between the medical student body and the migrant worker population.
For more information, please contact Jyotsna Ramakrishna at
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