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Academic Committee

The Academic Committee aims to enable and empower learning for every student while nurturing a culture of community and peer-mentorship in our school. Our programmes include:
• Mock OSCEs: A student-led initiative where seniors organise mock OSCEs for their juniors. This programme helps students practice and familiarise themselves with the format and demands of the OSCEs, while also giving seniors an opportunity to teach.
• Bridging: Conducted by the M3 batch, this aids the transition of M2 students into clinical years. This programme aims to impart useful skills and content knowledge that are instrumental to clinical year students, while also guiding and giving tips to help M2s know what to expect and how to make the most of their postings.
• Senior Junior Teaching: Multiple batch-wide teaching sessions are held each year where seniors will give tutorials to juniors, with the primary aim to clarify difficult concepts and highlight high-yield content to aid juniors in their exams. Seniors also get the chance to hone their teaching skills.
• Purple Pages: Purple pages is a registry that matches each team of juniors to a few seniors who will hold tutorials and provide guidance. This aims to cultivate the spirit of teaching and promoting closer collaboration and networks between batches.
• Mock OSCEs examiner training: This is a series of workshops where students will learn how to write good cases for OSCEs, and how to properly evaluate and give feedback as mOSCEs examiners.
• What Is This Is?: WITI is an initiative where students will periodically set interesting and high-yield questions for their batchmates to practice on. Through WITI, we aim to help the whole batch revise key content and also expand their knowledge.
For more information, please contact us at

Arts & Culture Committee

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The A&C Committee hopes to inject more fun into the everyday life of students beyond TBLs and enrich their LKCMedicine journey, by encouraging exploration of the arts and celebration of different cultural festivities. We aim to make celebrations like Children’s day bigger and better, enhance the Peanut Butter & Jam (PBnJ) experience, expand the diversity and reach of our student-led First Class programmes, and introduce other smaller initiatives to help students better explore arts and culture.


For more information, please contact us at

Careers Committee

The Careers Committee works to promote:

  • Awareness and opportunities with regards to job/training prospects after graduation.

  • Liaison between Student Interest Groups (SIGs) and MedSoc.

  • Liaison between LKCMedicine and external organisations (other schools’ careers committees, other schools’ SIGs, SIs, MOHH, etc.).

  • Accessibility to careers-related information and resources.


For more information, please contact us at

CIP Committee

The CIP Committee is involved in organizing large-scale CIP events, including our annual CIP Fair, and managing all the Local CIPs and Overseas CIPs within LKC.


The 18 LCIPs can be broadly categorized according to the cause they serve or their target beneficiaries, namely: migrant workers, public health, awareness and special needs, and palliative care and geriatric. LCIPs aim to engage students in the mind through the constant evaluation of the projects' relevance to their beneficiaries, in the hands through the zealous work on the ground, as well as in the heart through debrief sessions and feedback collection from beneficiaries and target organisations. This is done through health screenings and befriending sessions with the elderly and migrant workers, outreach campaigns for blood donation and bone marrow transplants, workshops and camps for children, and many more. 


The 10 OCIPs serve communities in a wide range of countries including Nepal, Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and India. Before the actual trips, most of the work involves active communication with local partner organisations, organising and planning initiatives such as health screenings, health education as well as door-to-door outreach. During the trip, OCIPs work closely with our partner organisation to be able to communicate effectively and allow us to participate and effect change in a community overseas. After the trip, OCIPs undergo re-evaluation of investments made and progress made in order to continuously improve.


For more information, please contact us at for LCIP-related matters and for OCIP-related matters.

Dinner & Dance Committee

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The D&D Committee is involved in orchestrating the annual LKCMedicine Dinner & Dance, which is an event meant for students and faculty to gather and celebrate the closing of the academic year. We work to make D&D a fun and memorable experience for everyone attending and to create an atmosphere that celebrates the LKC community and the friendships forged within it.


For more information, please contact us at

Freshman Orientation Programme Committee

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The FOP Committee is involved in the planning, organization and execution of the introductory programme that welcomes incoming freshmen to the LKC family. We aim to make FOP an exciting experience for the newest members of our school and provide a conducive environment for them to forge new friendships and become inducted into the school culture, while also prioritizing student safety and wellbeing in accordance to the NTU Student Affairs Office’s guidelines throughout the entirely of our programme.


For more information, please contact us at

International Relations Committee

The IR Committee is involved in establishing and maintaining relations with our overseas partners, as well as liaising with local organisations to increase overseas exposure opportunities for LKCMedicine students. The IR Committee is also involved in sourcing for potential sponsors, vendors and various external stakeholders to ensure that student-led initiatives receive the support they need. The IR Committee also serves as the bridge of communication between the faculty and overseas trip participants to represent the student populations voice and to facilitate smooth, efficient administrative processes.


For more information, please contact us at

Publicity & Publications Committee

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The P&P Committee is the channel through which school life is made known to other students and the public. Aside from covering student-run events within LKCMedicine, we run all official LKCMedSoc social media platforms, including the Facebook and Instagram pages. We aim to bring comprehensive pre-event publicity and post-event coverage so as to showcase the vibrancy of student life at LKCMedicine while also keeping students up-to-date on all the various programmes ongoing in the school. This website is also run by us!


For more information, please contact us at

Research Committee

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The Research Committee hopes to promote a strong culture of research, scientific inquiry and innovation in LKCMedicine. We hope to link students up with research projects based on their area of interest while also helping to provide more guidance and support to students who may be embarking on their first research experience. We also hope to introduce students to the various domains of medical research and equip them with essential research skills via talks and workshops.

For more information, please contact us at


Check out our monthly newsletter below! 

Sports Committee

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The Sports Committee hopes to promote a healthy and active lifestyle by encouraging students to participate in more sporting activities. Besides upgrading and maintaining the CSB Gym, we organise many of our own events like LKC Records, First Class, Surf's Up, and even special occasions like the screening of the 2022 FIFA World Cup. All these events aim to create a sporting culture in the school, where students can come together to de-stress and pursue sports leisurely or even competitively. Apart from school-wide events, we continuously work with other faculties in NTU, as well as other faculties outside of NTU, to organise the annual Inter School Games and Inter Healthcare Games.

For more information, please contact us at

Academic Committee
Arts & Culture Committee
Careers Committee
Sport Committee
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Welfare Committee

The Welfare Committee looks over the welfare of the students with assistance of the house and year representatives! We aim to encourage peer to peer support through our upcoming mental health awareness programs and welfare distributions to further support you, the students. Furthermore, we also assist in the improvement of facilities, no matter how big or small, around the school with feedback from the students so that you can see the things you want and things implemented for your benefit!

For more information, please contact us at

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NTU Main Campus
Experimental Medicine Building
59 Nanyang Drive
Singapore 636921

​Novena Campus
Headquarters & Clinical Sciences Building
11 Mandalay Road
Singapore 308232

©2024 by LKCMedicine Students' Medical Society

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